Particles (Phrasal Verbs)
You can see how the girl in this picture changed her hair colour. Particles do the same thing to Verbs and change their meaning. In this lesson, you can learn all about Particles.
Common Verbs: Say / Speak/ Talk Tell / Explain
When words come out of my mouth, do I SAY or SPEAK or TALK or TELL or EXPLAIN? Find out in this lesson.
Supporting Clauses
Learn how to add more information to your Main Idea with a Supporting Clause.
I didn't do the Action! (The Passive)
Sometimes, we don't do things. Instead, we receive things. Other people or things do actions to us. Here, we use a different form of grammar called the Passive.
The Causative
Sometimes, we ask someone, or pay someone to do something for us. I might go to my barber and pay him to cut my hair. When we do this, we use the Causative.
The Imperative
Sometimes, we tell someone to do something. We use an order or a command, like a boss! When we do this, we use the Causative.