Lesson One (Your Main Idea)
Do you want to learn English? Gramatica is a new, exciting and simple way that will teach you how to tell your own story in English. Gramatica = LIFE English. This lesson is the start of your learning adventure!
When you know how Clauses work, you can join them together to make Sentences. Come and find out!
Compound Sentences
When you know how a Main Clause works, you can join two Main Clauses together to make a Compound Sentence. Come and find out!
Complex Sentences: ON A WHITE BUS #1
ON A WHITE BUS does not mean that we are going on a trip somewhere! It talks about a group of words that we use to add Supporting Information to a Main Clause to make a Complex Sentence. Come and join us as we learn about these words!
ON A WHITE BUS #2 (Subordinating Conjunctions)
In this lesson, we are going to add a PROBLEM to our MAIN IDEA. Then we are going to say that we solved this PROBLEM to achieve our MAIN IDEA. We are going to learn how to use the words DESPITE, IN SPITE OF, ALTHOUGH, THOUGH and EVEN THOUGH.