Vocabulary: Cities
Learn the words about your city.
Vocabulary: Food
Learn the words about food.
Vocabulary: Hobbies
We all have hobbies. This woman likes writing, but some of us like outdoor hobbies like sports or travel. Some of us like quiet hobbies and some like loud hobbies. We are all different! Come and learn some words and phrases about hobbies.
Vocabulary: Sport
Some of us like playing sport, some of us like watching sport, and some of us like playing AND watching sport. On the other hand, some of us don't like sport at all! Come and learn some words and phrases about sport.
Vocabulary: Music
Some of us like playing music, some of us like listening to music, and some of us like playing AND listening to music. Come and learn some words and phrases about music.
Vocabulary: Jobs
Most of us work. Some of us enjoy our work and others don't. Come and learn some words and phrases about jobs and work.